Empowering the Future in Sustainable Energy Transition with Zero Terrain 

4.12.2023, 13:00 – 13:30, Estonian Pavilion 


Imagine a room buzzing with ideas, where industry pioneers share stories of success and lessons learned. Zero Terrain’s panel aspires to be that space, and we believe your unique perspective can add a new layer to this exciting narrative.


Moderator: Peep Siitam, Zero Terrain’s CEO



  • Hanna Ojanen, Public Policy Lead, Carbo Culture
  • Keit Kasemets, Secretary General, Ministry of Climate of Estonia
  • Maria Wetterstrand, CEO Miltton Brussels, former spokesperson of the Green Party in Sweden


This panel session will showcase exemplary practices from leading countries when it comes to the Green Energy Transition. We will discuss the sustainable energy future trilemma – national well-being, socio-economic environment, and the environmental environment – as a crucial criterion in decarbonizing the economy. The panel will also cover the policies and initiatives necessary to implement and maintain effectively the trilemma and unlock investments.


Your voice, much like a key in a symphony, can unlock fresh perspectives, driving our shared mission towards sustainable energy forward.


Zero Terrain is based on the same idea as traditional pumped-hydro storage solutions but with a critical distinction: our technology eliminates the need for altitude difference in terrain and can be built on most flat land. We are ready to introduce our technology around the world and are very close to our first success story – construction on our pilot project Zero Terrain Paldiski, Estonia will start in the summer of 2024. The project is also an EU Project of Common Interest, which indicates the need for this kind of storage solutions and knowledge sharing around the world.


The event will be held in the Estonian Pavilion (B6-75) at COP28 Blue Zone on the 4th of December at 13:00 GMT+4 (Dubai time). By registering to the event you will have a chance to secure your place on-site at the Estonian Pavilion (blue zone accreditation needed). Please save your spot by the 3rd of December here.

We’re excited to welcome you!

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