Who we are

The European Green Deal sets out a pathway towards net-zero emissions characterised by a rapid expansion of renewable energy (RE) and a shift from fossil fuels. The politically driven phase-out of coal-fired plants and the closure of nuclear plants in some countries, combined with solid demand growth, call for a significant increase in RE capacity throughout Europe.


Electricity system flexibility is becoming increasingly central to electricity security. Systems will need greater flexibility from minute to minute, hour to hour (Figure 1), and season‐to‐season over the coming decades. In the EU, average flexibility needs will rise by over 40% in a conservative scenario from 2020 to 2030. By 2050, global flexibility needs to triple in the base scenario. The growth in flexibility needs outpacing the growth in electricity demand. The main drivers of increasing short‐term flexibility needs are the rising shares of variable wind and solar PV in electricity generation and the changing electricity demand patterns (IEA World Energy Outlook 2021).

IEA World Energy Outlook 2021

An oil-shale-fired generation has historically dominated the Estonian power system. However, internal and external forces are putting pressure on Estonia to reduce the use of oil shale due to its high carbon intensity. Therefore, the remaining thermal capacity will be mainly replaced by investments in offshore wind.


Energiasalv has engaged with Thema – one of the most respected consultants and market analysts for the energy sector, for their long-term power market outlook and forecasts The Baltic Power Market Study was provided to Energiasalv by Thema Consulting in the Autumn of 2021, lasting until the year 2050. Despite some political and economic changes in 2022, the long-term assumptions (for 2030, 2040, and 2050) and modelled scenarios remain unchanged, according to the Baltic Power.

1 Baltic Power Market Outlook, Autumn Edition 2021 and Thema’s hourly generation and demand study commissioned by Energiasalv in September 2021


The green transition is here: we must build a 100% renewable energy system while minimising our ecological footprint. Recent wars and conflicts emphasise the urgency of cutting off financial support and dependence on dangerous critical minerals or fossil fuels suppliers.


The energy sector faces three challenges: high energy prices, environmental impact, and ensuring the security of the supply will not be abruptly cut off.


Zero Terrain is the solution to the urgent need for a 100% renewable energy system. We provide affordable and renewable energy with minimal environmental impact, ensuring security against supply disruptions and crises.

Zero Terrain is based on the same idea as traditional pumped hydro storage solutions but with a critical distinction: it creates the necessary height variance and storage underground, eliminating the need for altitude differences on the terrain. This solution has a minimal above-ground footprint compared to its massive underground volume. This is also the origin of Zero Terrain: ‘zero on terrain.’ And at the same time, our solution requires ‘zero terrain.’ There are no mountains, just an entirely flat surface. Zero Terrain stores only renewable energy, unlocking its potential in locations where water, wind, and solar-based energy reliability has previously been obstructed.


It is a complete energy system overhaul with minimal disruption to everyday life. We provide 100% renewable, affordable, secure energy and income for generations without compromising the environment or politics.

affordable, clean, and secure energy

We're here to lead the change in the green transition. Recent conflicts have shown the urgency of breaking free from fossil fuels and dangerous dependencies. The energy sector faces three critical challenges: 

high prices, environmental impact, and supply security.


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