Energiasalv successfully fulfills
the three goals of the energy trilemma
Energy security

During the nominal operating cycle of 12 hours, Energiasalv provides 6 million kWh of previously stored electricity to the grid, which is somewhat more than the average daily electricity consumption of all Estonian households.

Affordable price

Energiasalv water storage technology is currently the most affordable technological solution for controlled electricity generation and storage in the world, the introduction of which will significantly reduce the electricity price of peak energy and thereby reduce the cost of electricity for households and businesses. 

Minimal impact on the environment

Energiasalv's energy solutions align with environmental and social responsibilities by storing only renewable energy, thereby reducing dependence on unethical production practices and fossil fuels.


The storage project enables saving in generation capacity which means we do not have to build as many new power plants. This kind of storage capacity is vital for facilitating the uptake of variable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy. The project is also on the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) which includes projects that are of strategic importance in executing the European Union’s policies.

What are the economical impacts of the project?

The Estonian PHS project will have a significant impact on the Estonian economy and solve challenges related to climate change, 
foremost by:
– reducing CO2 emissions in the energy sector;
– lowering the variable cost of electricity production;
– enabling large-scale integration of renewable energy sources;
– contributing to the increase of GDP;
– increasing tax revenues;
– reducing grid tariffs for other consumers;
– enhancing the security of the supply of mineral 
resources in Harjumaa.

How much does 
the power plant produce and consume?

Estonian PHS, with its 500 MW capacity, can produce up to 6000 MWh of electrical power in 12 hours. The power plant's capacity factor is 80%, which means that pumping the filled reservoir completely dry will consume 7500 MWh.

HOW much electricity DO WE NEED?

The current record for electricity consumption is 1587 MW. This happened in one afternoon in 2010. In similar extreme cases, when there is a lack of electricity production in the system simultaneously, Estonian PHS (500 MW) will thus be able to cover one-third of Estonian peak consumption for up to 12 hours.


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Integer efficitur condimentum ipsum, id porta lacus vestibulum et. Aenean quam nisi, consectetur ut feugiat non, dignissim fringilla velit. Etiam vitae dictum dolor. Nullam interdum, neque vehicula accumsan fringilla, orci libero fringilla sem, vel eleifend sapien tortor vel nisi. Ut ornare nibh at gravida vestibulum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent porttitor risus sit amet nisi molestie molestie. Sed lobortis, risus eget elementum mattis, orci neque congue libero, at egestas est purus in massa. Donec at mi condimentum, mollis dolor ut, pellentesque urna. Suspendisse potenti.